Newcastle City Council is the local government authority responsible for the North East’s most rapidly developing business economy and culture destination. Newcastle’s Mosley Street was the first street in the world to be lit by electric lighting, illuminated by Joseph Swan’s incandescent bulb back in 1880. Over a century on, Newcastle is once again in the spotlight after being voted “the smartest street in the UK” in 2018.
In October 2018, Newcastle City Council decided to challenge their UMS provider to help combat rising energy costs. This led to them meeting with Beond who were tasked to benchmark their tender results against their incumbent’s best offers. The results concluded that Beond’s fully managed tender provided £850k advantage in total when benchmarking similar offers.
The tender was unusually complex because the incumbent brokers were associated to the local energy suppliers. However, the tender process proved successful regardless.
“The use of Beond’s software and processes allowed us to create significant savings against the traditional manual broker procurement methodology.
We found Beond to be very knowledgeable and helpful when managing the entire procurement tender process. I would not hesitate to recommend them to other organisations looking for new ways to reduce their streetlighting expenditure”
Service Manager Highway Maintenance Operations
For further information about any of our services please call Beond on 0208 634 7533 or email